Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hello, Again!

Hello, again. I didn't realize it has been so long since I have posted on this blog. I am currently writing some drafts and next week, after the Academy Awards are over and the hoopla dies down, I will get back to posting more here. Why now? Because of the mind boggling events that are happening in the Arab world. Also, the events are beginning to affect Iran and Iraq.

Well, I guess I can share with you that I had broken my left shoulder just prior to the ice storm of 2009. I had horrible damage all over my property and no one to help me with cleanup. As soon as I was feeling better and had found someone to help me, I fell again and broke my wrist. Both were on the left side but still debilitating. To top it all off, last summer we had a huge sand storm. Sand is still filtering into my house.

It all began in November 2009, two years ago, and I am beginning to come back. So is my yard, but my house needs more cleaning. There are still repairs to be made on my property.

I am currently writing a series: Two Brothers Who Hoodwinked America. As soon as that is ready, I will be posting it here. Meantime, whatever comes up, even catchy-catch-can, is not off limits. Today, much we encounter is mind boggling.

See you back here soon.

Do I detect that Spring is just around the corner? Click the title of this post and it will take you to my current active blog,
Mimi at the Movies.

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