Friday, October 07, 2005

Sunny California

I had a wonderful flight to LAX. Actually received VIP treatment, and sailed through security since I am a Frequent Flier with AA, etc. So, all is well, and I'll post again as soon as possible, or if I have something to write about.

I did see this headline today on, " Palestinian: Bush spoke of Iraq as divine mission." This claim is currently hearsay. However, I have my suspicions that Bush might believe this about himself. If so, it puts him in the class of the "madmen of history," and the entire world is at peril. Click title to this post to read the article.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Khalid. What a wonderful surprise!!!


I have been checking here to see if you would "report in." I am very pleased to hear from you. Wonderful to have you back!!!!!

Right now, I am packing to go to California, Tuesday, to visit my family and some friends, for about three weeks, but I can blog from there. Everyone has a computer hooked to the Internet.

So, I'll post again sometime Wednesday evening, California time, if all goes well in my travels. Check the comments on your blog about the post you made regarding rape. I made one.
Come back anytime. This is your blog too, but read the rules!

Well well well...

look who is here, Khalid Jarrar!!
how are you M? :)
I am back to blogging, i hope that everything is alright with you...
what have you been doing?